Mackintosh Computers Ltd., Compagnie d'Élec-
tronique Repco Ltée/Repco Electronics Ltd.,
Maison des Semiconducteurs Ltée/House of
Semiconductors Ltd., Chico Levy and Nat Levy
(Appellants) (Defendants)
Apple Computer, Inc. and Apple Canada Inc.
(Respondents) (Plaintiffs)
115778 Canada Inc., carrying on business under
the firm name and style of Microcom, James Begg
and 131375 Canada Inc. (Appellants) (Defen-
Apple Computer, Inc. and Apple Canada Inc.
(Respondents) (Plaintiffs)
Court of Appeal, Mahoney, Hugessen and Mac-
Guigan JJ.—Ottawa, September 28, 29, 30 and
October 1 and 13, 1987.
Copyright — Infringement — Duplication of computer chip
infringing copyright in computer program embodied therein
Conversion of program from assembly language to machine
language not "translation" within Act s. 3(1)(a) — Embodi
ment of program in chip reproduction of work in material
form, covered by copyright — For copyright purposes, pro
grammed chip to be assessed in material static state.
The appellants duplicated two computer programs (Auto-
start ROM and Applesoft) used by the respondents in their
Apple II Computer. The appellants did not copy the programs
as written in assembly code. Instead, they reproduced, appar
ently by mechanical means, the silicon chip in which the
programs are embodied.
These are appeals from the Trial Judge's finding that copy
right in the computer programs had been infringed.
Held, the appeals should be dismissed but the judgment of
the Trial Division should be varied by awarding relief to Apple
Computer, Inc., only.
Per Mahoney J.: The argument that programs in machine
language merely constituted specifications for the manufacture
of the chips is totally irrelevant. Copyright in the machine
language version of the programs is not in issue. Furthermore,
the chips were not made according to instructions of the
machine language.
The Trial Judge erred in finding that the conversion of the
programs from the original assembly language to the hexadeci
mal machine language was translation within the meaning of
paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Act. It is rather a reproduction of the
original, protected, like the original, by copyright.
The programs embodied in the chips are reproductions of the
programs. The Trial Judge was correct in approaching this case
on the basis that the reproduction in which copyright was
claimed and infringement alleged consisted of the static circuit
ry of the chips, not the dynamic sequence of electrical impulses
dictated or permitted by that circuitry. The opening words of
section 3 of the Act, according the copyright owner "the sole
right ... to reproduce the work ... in any material form
whatever", were drafted broadly enough to encompass the
embodiment of the respondents' programs in a chip. Nothing in
the Act required that a reproduction be in a humanly readable
form to be subject of copyright or to infringe copyright. So
when the appellants copied the programs as embodied in the
chips, they infringed the respondents' copyright in the
It is unnecessary to decide whether the chips are contrivances
by means of which the work may be delivered within the
meaning of paragraph 3(1)(d) of the Act.
Per Hugessen J.: The anthropomorphic character of every
thing that is said or written about computers—words with
cognitive connotation like "language", "memory", "read"—
creates a real difficulty. Thus, even if the programs were
transferred from one language to another this was not a
"translation" within the meaning of the Act—the turning of
something from one human language to another. Nor were the
appellants' chips contrivances within the meaning of paragraph
3(1)(d). The programs are not works which may be mechani
cally "performed" or "delivered".
However, the Trial Judge was correct in finding that the
chips embodying the programs were reproductions of the
assembly code programs in which the respondents held the
copyright. For the purposes of the Act, when a literary work is
produced or reproduced, the result must necessarily be a liter
ary work (expressed in print or writing). In this case, since the
chips contain no print or writing, their production would not, at
first glance, constitute an infringement of copyright. However,
"the sole right to produce or reproduce in any material form"
includes by necessary implication the sole right to produce the
means of reproduction of the work. This interpretation is
reinforced by sections 10 and 21 of the Act which deal with
ownership of the means of reproduction of works protected by
copyright. And even if the means of reproduction does not itself
constitute a reproduction within the meaning of subsection
3(1), the implied authorization to reproduce—present in this
case given that the chips in the appellant's computer were
capable of being used to reproduce the respondents' programs
in their hexadecimal code version—is an infringement of the
Per MacGuigan J.: In Computer Edge, an identical case, the
High Court of Australia decided that there was no infringe
ment of copyright. However, the Australian legislation inter
preted in that case was based on a different English statute
than that on which the Canadian legislation is based. Further
more, the point of view on which that decision is based, that the
program was in reality a series of electrical impulses stored in
the chips, is inconsistent with the findings of the Trial Judge,
which were not successfully challenged. And it has been decid
ed, in a United States Court of Appeals decision, Apple Com
puter, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corporation, that there is no
reason to afford less protection to an operating system program,
as in this case, than to an application program.
Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-30, ss. 2, 3, 4, 10,
17(2)(b), 21.
Copyright Act, 1911, 1 & 2 Geo. V, c. 46 (U.K.).
Copyright Act, 1956, 4 & 5 Eliz. II, c. 74 (U.K.).
Copyright Act, 1968 (Cth), No. 63 (Austl.).
Federal Court Act, R.S.C. 1970 (2nd Supp.), c. 10, s.
Computer Edge Pty Ltd v Apple Computer Inc (1986),
65 ALR 33 (H.C.).
Compo Company Ltd. v. Blue Crest Music Inc. et al.,
[1980] 1 S.C.R. 357; Moreau, Alfred v. St. Vincent,
Roland, [1950] Ex.C.R. 198; Thrustcode Ltd. v. W.W.
Computing Ltd., [1983] F.S.R. 502 (Ch.D.); University
of London Press v. University Tutorial Press, [1916] 2
Ch. 601; Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer
Corp., 714 F.2d 1240 (3rd Cir. 1983).
Cuisenaire v. South West Imports Limited, [ 1969]
S.C.R. 208; Boosey v. Whight, [1899] 1 Ch. 836,
affirmed [1900] 1 Ch. 122 (C.A.); Ladbroke (Football)
Ltd. v. William Hill (Football) Ltd., [1964] 1 W.L.R.
273 (H.L.).
Robert H. C. MacFarlane for appellants.
Alfred S. Schorr, Ivor M. Hughes and Joseph
I. Etigson for respondents.
Fitzsimmons, MacFarlane, Toronto, for
Ivor M. Hughes, Concord, Ontario, for
The following are the reasons for judgment
rendered in English by
MAHONEY J.: I have had the opportunity to
peruse the reasons in draft of my brother Mac-
Guigan herein. While I agree with him in the
result, I do so on what I consider significantly
narrower grounds.
These appeals are from judgments [[1987] 1
F.C. 173; 10 C.P.R. (3d) 1 (T.D.)] in two actions
tried together on what, for all purposes of the
issues we have been asked to deal with, was
common evidence. The appellant, James Begg,
abandoned his appeal against the finding of liabili
ty in his personal capacity as such. The other
individual appellants had not raised that ground of
appeal. The respondents abandoned their allega
tion of infringement by reason only of the alleged
making of copies of three-dimensional objects
themselves made according to designs or specifica
tion in which copyright subsisted. It was acknowl
edged that the respondent, Apple Computer, Inc.,
was the only plaintiff entitled to the remedies
granted and that, therefore, in any event of the
appeals the judgments of the Trial Division should
be varied accordingly.
To paraphrase Mr. Justice Estey in Compo
Company Ltd. v. Blue Crest Music Inc. et al.,
[1980] 1 S.C.R. 357: arising out of a rather com
plex set of facts is the simple issue whether a
person who duplicates a computer chip thereby
infringes the exclusive rights granted by section 3
of the Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-30, to the
holder of the copyright in the computer program
embodied in that chip. There are two programs in
issue here. Reasons for the judgments under
appeal have been fully reported in 10 C.P.R. (3d)
1, to which I shall refer. The report at [1987] 1
F.C. 173 is an abridgment which does not recite
many essential findings of fact.
The provisions of the Act primarily in play are
paragraphs 3(1)(a) and (d).
3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, "copyright" means the
sole right to produce or reproduce the work or any substantial
part thereof in any material form whatever, to perform, or in
the case of a lecture to deliver, the work or any substantial part
thereof in public; if the work is unpublished, to publish the
work or any substantial part thereof; and includes the sole right
(a) to produce, reproduce, perform or publish any translation
of the work;
(d) in the case of a literary, dramatic, or musical work, to
make any record, perforated roll, cinematograph film, or
other contrivance by means of which the work may be
mechanically performed or delivered;
The appellants concede that the original computer
programs, written in assembly language, were lit
erary works within the meaning of the Act and
were subject of copyright owned by the respon
dent, Apple Computer, Inc. They further concede
that, if the programs as embodied in the chips
were subject of that copyright, they were substan
tially copied and, thereby, infringed.
The meaning of "translation", as Parliament
intended it in paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Act, is very
much in issue. I shall therefore avoid using it in
the following recitation of facts and adopt the term
"conversion" which I intend to be entirely neutral.
The learned Trial Judge found, at page 7,
C.P.R. the following:
A computer language, of which there are many, is a code for
writing a program. A language is said to be "higher" or
"lower" depending upon the ease with which it can be read. A
high level language has symbols and rules that correspond
closely enough to ordinary mathematics and English (or other
common language) that it may be read and understood with
relative ease. Examples are languages such as BASIC,
A second level of language, which can be referred to as an
intermediate level, consists of mnemonics which correspond
more explicitly to the operations the computer must perform.
For example, in the excerpt set out [below], LDY stands for
"load index Y with memory", and STA stands for "store
accumulator in memory". This intermediate level is referred to
as assembly language.
A third level of language, the lowest, is sometimes referred to
as machine language or object code. There are two versions of
machine language relevant for the purposes of this case: a
system of hexadecimal notation and a system of binary nota
tion. I do not think it necessary to describe the two in detail
except to say that hexadecimal notation is based on a number
system having a base 16, while binary notation is based on a
number system having a base two. The hexadecimal system of
notation is merely a shorthand way of writing the binary code.
Binary notation utilizes only the symbols "1" and
"0". Hexadecimal notation utilizes the ten numer
als "0" to "9" and the first six letters of the
alphabet "A" to "F".
The programs in issue were originally written in
assembly language. A section of one of them,
recited by the learned Trial Judge at page 6
C.P.R., read:
LDY #$2F
LDY #$27
LDY #$27
LDA #$00
The program was then converted to machine lan
guage. In the instant case, hexadecimal notation
was chosen. The hexadecimal format of the above
excerpt is [at page 8 C.P.R.]:
DO 02
AO 27
84 2D
A9 00
85 30
20 28 F8
The learned Trial Judge found, at page 9
C.P.R., that:
In fact, it is the binary form of machine language which the
computer "understands". The string of ones and zeros can be
represented in the computer as the two states "electrically on"
and "electrically off' (or high and low voltage levels).
She found, as an example [at pages 8 and 9
C.P.R.], that:
... the assembly code instruction LDY set out above, which
became in hexadecimal notation A0, would in binary become
1010 0000.
In order for a program to be used by a computer it must,
then, be converted into a series of "electrically on" and "electri-
cally off' states, an electrical code which corresponds to the
binary notation of the program. This can be accomplished in a
variety of ways since a program once written can be embodied
in a variety of material forms. All that is required is that the
material be capable of reflecting two discrete states in order to
correspond to the ones and zeros of the binary code.
The learned Trial Judge then discussed a number
of ways in which the conversion to an electrical
code may be achieved, e.g., punch tape or cards
where a hole represents one and its absence repre
sents zero, or vice versa; magnetic tape or discs in
which the presence of a magnetic charge repre
sents one and its absence represents zero, or vice
versa. All can be machine read by sensors detect
ing the presence or absence of light or magnetic
charge. She went on, at page 10 C.P.R.:
The evidence was that conceptually the internal memory of
the computer could be thought of as a series of mail-boxes
(pigeon holes) arranged in a rectangular array into which
information in the form of bytes is stored (eight ones and zeros
per box). At the electrical level, the computer memory is an
integrated circuit which is capable of holding, because of its
circuitry, a pattern of high and low voltage states. That electri
cal code will correspond on a one-to-one basis with the program
as written in binary notation:
So you can imagine 8 transistors, then, being all arranged in
a row, and those transistors somehow would be employed in
the construction of the device to exhibit the information that
is to be stored ...
(Transcript Vol. I, page 49.)
The internal memory of the computer is of two types, RAM
and ROM. RAM (random access memory) is volatile. When
the power is turned off whatever has been placed in RAM. is
erased .... ROM (read only memory), on the other hand, is
permanent in nature and whatever is stored therein is not
erased when the power is turned off. This follows from the fact
that while the eight transistors in RAM have the property of
switching on or off (i.e., of representing either a one or a zero
depending upon what program or data is loaded into it), the
transistors of the memory cells of the ROM chips have been
"blown" and thus permanently structured to carry only one set
of instructions. Thus ROM can be "read" only; it cannot have
information written into it as is the case with RAM.
The chips in issue are ROM chips. The learned
Trial Judge continued, at pages 11 and 12 C.P.R.:
When a programmer or a computer manufacturer wishes to
have a program embodied in ROM, he or she sends a copy of
the program in machine language (hexadecimal or binary) to a
ROM manufacturer. The manufacturer of the Apple II ROMs
also required that it be submitted in at least two different input
media (e.g., punched paper tape and a floppy disk) to facilitate
verification. A pattern is then etched into the memory cells of
the chip by a photo-lithographic process which it is not neces
sary to describe in detail for the purpose of these reasons. The
pattern created in the ROM chip corresponds to the binary
pattern of the written program. Thus, the chip is structured so
that it can replicate the program or part thereof in its electrical
code form as required whenever an electric current is passed
through the appropriate [mailbox] of the ROM.
After dealing with other computer components
and rejecting the argument that the programs in
issue were merely specifications for a machine
part, the learned Trial Judge found, at page 16
C.P.R., that:
... the program retains its character as such in the computer.
It can be "read out" of the ROM as and when required. A
"disassembler" program is often used for this purpose. Thus the
hexadecimal code version of the programs Autostart ROM and
Applesoft can easily be displayed on the screen of the monitor
or produced in a print-out version by "reading" such directly
from the respective chips. In addition this hexadecimal form of
the program can be converted subsequently to its original
source code assembly language version without great difficulty.
Finally, as to the facts, while substantial copying
was admitted, it is worth noting that the programs
were not copied in their written forms; rather they
were copied directly from the chips by a process
which produced substantially identical chips.
The appellants object to the judgment below on
the following grounds:
1. That the rejection of the submission that the
programs in machine language merely constituted
specifications for the manufacture of the chips was
contrary to all the evidence and to an earlier
finding of fact by the learned Trial Judge.
2. That the learned Trial Judge erred in law in
holding that machine language, whether binary or
hexadecimal, is a "translation" of assembly lan
guage within paragraph 3(1)(a).
3. That the learned Trial Judge erred in law in
holding that the programs embodied in the chips
are reproductions of the written computer pro
grams within the meaning of subsection 3(1) of the
Copyright Act and, in particular, in holding that
subsection 3(1) does not require a reproduction to
be in humanly readable form.
4. That the learned Trial Judge erred in law in
holding that the appellants' chips were infringing
contrivances within paragraph 3(1)(d).
I really do not see that this objection advances
the appellants' cause. In fact, I do not see that the
submission was rejected.
The previous contrary finding relied upon is that
which I have recited from page 11 of the reported
judgment, which describes how a copy of a pro
gram in machine language is used in the manufac
ture of a ROM chip. I have been unable to locate,
in the judgment below, a finding that the machine
language version of a computer program serves
any purpose other than to facilitate a physical
embodiment of the program in a chip, disc, tape or
whatever. That is essential to the program's utili
zation in a computing machine, which, as I under-
stand it, was the only purpose of writing the
program in the first place.
The issue as precisely defined by the learned
Trial Judge, at pages 180 F.C.; 19 C.P.R., correct
ly in my view, is:
... whether a computer program which originates as a written
text, in the normal and usual sense of those terms, but which
has a dimension (as appears from the facts set out above) which
it is not traditional to associate with such texts, continues to be
covered by copyright when it is ... embodied in a device
designed to replicate that code.
The relevance of this objection to that issue
escapes me. It is not copyright in the machine
language version of the programs that is said to
have been infringed. The appellants did not make
their chips according to the instructions of the
machine language. This is not analogous to Mrs.
Beaton's recipe for rabbit pie.
The learned Trial Judge, correctly, dismissed as
irrelevant the fact that in the jargon of computer
programming conversion of a program from one
computer language or code to another is termed
"translation". She did, however, find that the con
version of the programs in issue from the assembly
language in which they were originally written to
the hexadecimal machine language was translation
within the contemplation of paragraph 3(1)(a).
3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, "copyright" means the
sole right to produce or reproduce the work or any substantial
part thereof in any material form whatever ... and includes the
sole right
(a) to produce, reproduce, perform or publish any translation
of the work;
In so finding, she was attracted by the analogy of
the conversion of a text into Morse Code or short
hand and the dictionary definition of "transla-
tion". In the latter behalf, she said, at pages 181
F.C.; 20 C.P.R.:
... I note that "translation" in The Concise Oxford Dictionary
(6th ed., 1976) is defined as:
Express the sense of (word, sentence, speech, book,
poem, ...) in or into another language; in or to another form
of representation .... [Underlining added.]
The conversion from one code to another clearly falls within
that definition.
It is axiomatic that copyright exists in the
expression of the idea, not in the idea expressed.
The principle was stated by Thorson P., in
Moreau, Alfred v. St. Vincent, Roland, [1950]
Ex.C.R. 198, at page 203.
It is, I think, an elementary principle of copyright law that an
author has no copyright in ideas but only in his expression of
them. The law of copyright does not give him any monopoly in
the use of the ideas with which he deals or any property in
them, even if they are original. His copyright is confined to the
literary work in which he has expressed them. The ideas are
public property, the literary work is his own. Every one may
freely adopt and use the ideas but no one may copy his literary
work without his consent.
That statement was expressly approved by the
Supreme Court of Canada in Cuisenaire v. South
West Imports Limited, [1969] S.C.R. 208, at
pages 211 ff.
The sense of a word, sentence, speech, book or
poem, to use the examples of the foregoing diction
ary definition, is the idea expressed by it. It follows
that, for purposes of the Copyright Act, "transla-
tion" cannot be the expression of that sense in
"another form of representation".
As to the analogies, the learned Trial Judge
continued, at pages 182 F.C.; 20 and 21 C.P.R.
An analogy can be drawn to the conversion of a text into
morse code. If a person were to sit down and convert a text into
the series of dots and dashes of which morse code is comprised,
one might argue that the resultant notations were really
instructions to the telegraph operator on how to send the
message. But the message written in morse code, in my view,
still retains the character of the original work. It is not a
different literary work. Similarly, a text written in shorthand
might be said to constitute a description of the oral sounds of
the text if it were spoken aloud (shorthand being phonetically
based), but that would not make it a different literary work
from the long hand version.
I agree with the learned Trial Judge that the
conversion of a text into Morse Code or shorthand
does not result in a different literary work and that
the text, so converted, does retain the character of
the original. That, however, does not lead to the
conclusion that such conversion is translation for
purposes of the Act. A person knowledgeable of
Morse Code or the particular shorthand system
could read the converted version and what would
be heard would be the original text verbatim. Such
a conversion is not, in my opinion a translation
within the contemplation of the Copyright Act. It
is rather a reproduction of the original, the making
of which was equally the exclusive right of the
owner of the copyright in that original.
Success in this objection does not advance the
appellants' cause.
The argument here is that the programs embod
ied in the computer chips are not reproductions at
all of any literary work in which the respondents'
copyright subsists and that, in the alternative, even
if they are reproductions in an ordinarily sense,
they are not reproductions in the context of the
Copyright Act because they are not in humanly
readable form. The basic argument appears to be
founded largely on the judgments of a majority of
the High Court of Australia in Computer Edge
Pty Ltd y Apple Computer Inc (1986), 65 ALR
33, a decision published subsequent to the judg
ment under appeal. My brother MacGuigan has
distinguished that decision in his reasons for judg
ment herein and I am in full agreement with him
on that point. While I do not agree that embodi
ment of the programs in the ROM chips can,
within the contemplation of the Copyright Act, be
considered translations, they can be considered
reproductions of the original programs and, if they
are, the result is the same: the exclusive right to
reproduce, as to translate, was the respondents'.
It is clear that the learned Trial Judge
approached this case on the basis that the repro
duction in which copyright was claimed and
infringement alleged consisted of the static circuit
ry of the chips, not the dynamic sequence of
electrical impulses dictated or permitted by that
circuitry. I find logical suppport for that approach
in the reasons herein of my brother MacGuigan
who points out, albeit in another context, that the
original programs for which copyright registration
was obtained were "programs at rest, as it were,
not in operation" and that "the activity which
occurs in an operating computer originates from
the [central processing unit], not from the memory
chips, and by looking into the latter one cannot see
the operation of the CPU". I think the learned
Trial Judge was correct in that approach and, with
respect, I am of the view that the distinction has
legal significance. While I do not have to pursue
the matter further, I would observe that, had the
claimed subject of copyright been found to extend
to or to be the dynamic sequence of electrical
impulses, there might be a very real issue as to
whether copyright was claimed only in the recipe
or in the rabbit pie itself.
Section 3 of the Copyright Act accords to the
copyright owner "the sole right ... to reproduce
the work ... in any material form whatever". The
learned Trial Judge reviewed pertinent authorities
and the legislative history of that language at
pages 190 ff. F.C.; 27 ff. C.P.R. of her reasons. I
see no useful purpose in repeating that exercise.
Suffice it to say, she discussed Boosey v. Whight,
[1899] 1 Ch. 836, affirmed [1900] 1 Ch. 122
(C.A.), which found that perforated piano rolls
could not be found to be infringing reproductions
of the sheet music from which they were derived
under the existing Imperial copyright law and the
remedial amendments of the 1911 Imperial Act
[Copyright Act, 1911, 1 & 2 Geo. V, c. 46
(U.K.)], which were imported into sections 3 and 4
of the present Canadian Act in, for all practical
purposes, identical verbiage. I am in complete
agreement with her conclusion, at pages 193 F.C.;
29 C.P.R., that:
... the opening words of section 1(2), now section 3 of the Act,
were purposely drafted broadly enough to encompass new
technologies which had not been thought of when the Act was
and, at pages 194 F.C.; 30 C.P.R., that:
the opening words of section 3 clearly cover the plaintiffs'
program as embodied in a ROM chip. Such embodiment is
surely the production or reproduction of the work in a material
Nothing in the Act requires expressly that a
reproduction be in humanly readable form to be
subject of copyright or to infringe copyright. To
the extent the matter has arisen in the jurispru
dence since the advent of the 1911 Imperial Act, it
appears to have been dealt with in an evidentiary
context. Like the learned Trial Judge, I am much
impressed by the observation of Megarry, V.C., in
Thrustcode Ltd. v. W.W. Computing Ltd., [1983]
F.S.R. 502 (Ch.D.), at page 505:
For computers, as for other things, what must be compared are
the thing said to have been copied and the thing said to be an
infringing copy. If these two things are invisible, then normally
they must be reproduced in visible form, or in a form that in
some way is perceptible, before it can be determined whether
one infringes the other.
In summary, in my opinion, the respondents'
computer programs, entitled Autostart ROM and
Applesoft, embodied in their ROM chips were
reproductions of the computer programs written in
assembly language in which their copyright is
admitted to have subsisted. The appellants copied
those reproductions and they thereby infringed the
respondents' copyright in the programs.
The learned Trial Judge held, at pages 198 F.C.;
34 C.P.R.:
In addition, I think there is merit in the argument that the
ROM chip, whatever the interpretation of the opening words of
section 3, can be said to fall within paragraph 3(1)(d) as a
contrivance by means of which the work may be delivered. The
program (as noted above) can be delivered to the screen of the
monitor, or as a print-out to be read by human beings. I do not
find it necessary to decide whether "delivery" to the CPU
satisfies paragraph 3(1)(d).
With respect, I am unable to construe that as
finding it unnecessary to decide whether the ROM
chips fell within paragraph 3(1)(d). I should have
thought it to be a finding that they did, since the
programs embodied therein can be delivered by
print-out or display, reserving only the question
whether delivery to the CPU is sufficient to bring
them within the paragraph. That said, I do agree
with my brother MacGuigan that it is not neces
sary to decide that issue in view of the disposition I
propose on the third ground of objection.
Pursuant to subparagraph 52(b)(î) of the Fed
eral Court Act [R.S.C. 1970 (2nd Supp.), c. 10], I
would vary the judgments of the Trial Division by
awarding the remedies granted to Apple Comput
er, Inc., only and I would otherwise dismiss the
appeals with costs.
* * *
The following are the reasons for judgment
rendered in English by
HUGESSEN J.: The appellants have, in popular
parlance, pirated two computer programs used by
the respondents in their Apple II+ computer. It is
common ground that the programs in question,
when written, as they originally were, in letters,
symbols and figures known as 6502 assembly code,
were original literary works subject to copyright
and that the copyright therein vests in respondent
Apple Computer, Inc. But the appellants have not
copied the programs written in assembly code.
They have not copied any writing at all. What they
have done is reproduce, apparently by mechanical
means, the electrical circuitry of a silicon chip in
which, by the magic of computer science, the
programs are embodied. The question at issue is to
know whether the appellants have infringed the
respondents' copyright in the original assembly
code programs.
The question was answered by Reed J., of the
Trial Division, in the affirmative. Her reasons for
judgment are both full and thorough. I am in
general agreement with her conclusions but, with
due respect for the scholarship of the reasons, find
that I have arrived there by a somewhat different
The principal difficulty which this case has
given me arises from the anthropomorphic charac
ter of virtually everything that is thought or said or
written about computers. Words like "language",
"memory", "understand", "instruction", "read",
"write", "command", and many others are in con
stant use. They are words which, in their primary
meaning, have reference to cognitive beings. Com
puters are not cognitive. The metaphors and analo
gies which we use to describe their functions
remain just that.
A computer is a highly complex miniaturized
interconnected collection of electrical circuits. The
genius of the invention flows from the fact that
since an electrical circuit can only have two states,
"on" and "off", and since those states can be made
to correspond to the figures 0 and 1 of binary
notation, any mathematical function and any code
which is capable of binary expression can be per
formed and stored. The only limitation is a physi
cal one, namely, the number of separate circuits
which can be connected together and accom
modated within the machine.
A computer program therefore, whatever be its
original form and whatever its purpose, must in
the final analysis be capable of being reduced to a
code which can be expressed in binary notation. In
simple terms, when one sits at the keyboard of a
computer and strikes the letter "a", one does not,
as with a typewriter, mechanically activate (with
or without electrical assistance) a bar of type;
rather one engages a series of electrical circuits
whose condition corresponds to whatever binary
number has been arbitrarily assigned to the letter
"a" and which, in their turn, will result ultimately
in "a" being displayed on the monitor or printed.
The programs here in issue, called respectively
Autostart ROM and Applesoft, are what is known
as operating system programs. Their role is largely
to control and manage the internal operations of
the computer itself. It is this fact which explains
the appellants' interest in copying them precisely.
There is a virtually unlimited number of ways in
which both appellants' and respondents' computers
can be programmed to carry out the functions
which are the subject matter of the programs here
in issue. But the purchaser of appellants' comput
ers will be unable to use most of the voluminous
software available and specifically designed for use
with the respondents' machines unless the operat
ing system programs are substantially identical.
The two programs were, as I have indicated,
originally written in assembly code. Such a code
normally bears a discernible relationship to
common language by the use of mnemonics. In an
example given by the Trial Judge, the assembly
code indication LDY stands for "load index y with
memory". The programs were then converted from
assembly code into machine code. Since this is a
code which can be "read" by the machine, it must,
as explained above, be expressed in binary
The conversion from the ordinary language
description of the function into assembly code and
from the latter into machine code are purely arbi
trary functions of much the same order as the
conversion of the alphabet into Morse Code: one
starts with the source and a code key and by
applying the latter to the former a coded version is
By contrast a further conversion is often effect
ed for convenience purposes: the machine code is
transposed from binary to hexadecimal notation
(base 16). Here the conversion is purely arithmetic
from one system of notation to the other. It is
made simply because it is easier and less tedious
for humans to read and write hexadecimal nota
tion. It is in their binary form, however, that the
programs were and are transformed into a series of
on-and-off electrical circuits embodied in a silicon
chip. The issue then may be restated as being to
know whether, by copying the respondent's chips,
the appellants infringed the copyright in the two
Copyright is a statutory right. It exists only in
virtue of the Copyright Act.' As was stated by
Estey J. for the Court in Compo Company Ltd. v.
Blue Crest Music Inc. et al., [1980] 1 S.C.R. 357,
at pages 372 and 373:
... copyright law is neither tort law nor property law in
classification, but is statutory law. It neither cuts across exist
ing rights in property or conduct nor falls between rights and
obligations heretofore existing in the common law. Copyright
legislation simply creates rights and obligations upon the terms
and in the circumstances set out in the statute.
The rights of the owner of a copyright are
compendiously set out in subsection 3(1) of the
Copyright Act.
3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, "copyright" means the
sole right to produce or reproduce the work or any substantial
part thereof in any material form whatever, to perform, or in
the case of a lecture to deliver, the work or any substantial part
thereof in public; if the work is unpublished, to publish the
work or any substantial part thereof; and includes the sole right
(a) to produce, reproduce, perform or publish any transla
tion of the work;
(b) in the case of a dramatic work, to convert it into a novel
or other non-dramatic work;
(c) in the case of a novel or other non-dramatic work, or of
an artistic work, to convert it into a dramatic work, by way
of performance in public or otherwise;
(d) in the case of a literary, dramatic, or musical work, to
make any record, perforated roll, cinematograph film, or
' R.S.C. 1970, c. C-30.
other contrivance by means of which the work may be
mechanically performed or delivered;
(e) in the case of any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic
work, to reproduce, adapt and publicly present such work by
cinematograph, if the author has given such work an original
character; but if such original character is absent the
cinematographic production shall be protected as a
(J) in case of any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work,
to communicate such work by radio communication;
and to authorize any such acts as aforesaid.
The learned Trial Judge found in this text sever
al alternate routes to her conclusion that the appel
lants' chips constituted an infringement of the
respondents' copyright in the assembly code pro
grams. All of them give me difficulty although
some to a greater extent than others.
In the first place, I cannot accept, as the Trial
Judge seems to have done, that the appellants'
chips were a "translation" of the respondents'
programs, contrary to paragraph 3(1)(a). In my
view, "translation" is used here in its primary
sense of the turning of something from one human
language into another. To give it its extended
meaning of an expression in another medium or
form of representation seems to me to be at vari
ance with the fundamental principle that copyright
subsists not in the idea expressed but in the form
of its expression. That principle in turn finds
application in the well-known rule that a transla
tion is itself an original literary work and the
subject of copyright, and this regardless of wheth
er the work translated is itself subject to copyright.
The rendering of a literary work in code, for
example, Morse or Braille, is, I think, properly
characterized as a reproduction of the work, not as
a translation. Indeed, since the respondents' pro
grams originated in code, I do not see how one can
properly speak of their translation at all. The fact
that both machine and assembly codes are called
"languages" is simply an example of the
anthropomorphic phenomenon to which I referred
at the outset.
Secondly, the Trial Judge seems to view with
favour the argument that the appellants' chips
were contrivances by means of which the work
may be mechanically performed or delivered
within the meaning of paragraph 3(1)(d). Here
again I cannot follow her. The copyright work, the
assembly code version of the programs, is a liter
ary work. "Performance" is defined in section 2 of
the Act to mean:
"performance" means any acoustic representation of a work or
any visual representation of any dramatic action in a work,
including a representation made by means of any mechanical
instrument or by radio communication.
There is no indication that the subject programs
can be acoustically represented nor that they con
tain any dramatic action; indeed the contrary
seems almost self-evident. With respect to the
possibility that the chips may be said to be capable
of "delivery" of the programs, the Trial Judge,
rightly, did not view herself as being bound by the
inclusive definition of "delivery" in section 2 2 to
hold that only a lecture could be "delivered". In
the context of paragraph 3(1)(d), however, as well
as of the definition of "delivery", I cannot escape
the conclusion that the word "delivered" is used
here solely with reference to communication by
audible means. To give "delivery" its more
common meaning of handing over would lead to
the somewhat startling conclusion that the trolley
(a "contrivance") used to deliver books from the
library to my office could only be made by the
owner of the copyright in the books.
Finally, and it is fair to say that this was the
principal foundation for her decision, the Trial
Judge held that the chips embodying the programs
were reproductions of the assembly code programs
in which the respondents held the copyright. As I
read this part of her judgment, it seems to me to
turn primarily on the use of the words "in any
material form whatever" in the introductory part
2 "delivery," in relation to a lecture, includes delivery by
means of any mechanical instrument.
of subsection 3(1). I agree that the appellants'
chips are such a reproduction but I find it neces
sary to expand somewhat on the process by which
I arrive at that conclusion.
At first blush, it would seem obvious that when
one produces or reproduces a work the result of
that operation must necessarily also be a work.
The only kinds of works in which copyright can
subsist in accordance with section 4 of the Act are
literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. The
only category into which the respondents' pro
grams in assembly code could possibly fit is that of
literary works and it is indeed common ground
that they are such works.
The sole distinguishing characteristic of a liter
ary work is not its quality as literature or art but
simply that it be in print or writing. As early as
1916, within five years of the passage of the U.K.
Copyright Act, 1911, upon which our act is mod
eled, it was said in University of London Press v.
University Tutorial Press, [1916] 2 Ch. 601:
Although a literary work is not defined in the Act, s. 35 [in
Canada, s. 2] states what the phrase includes; the definition is
not a completely comprehensive one, but the section is intended
to show what, amongst other things, is included in the descrip
tion "literary work," and the words are " `Literary work'
includes maps, charts, plans, tables, and compilations." It may
be difficult to define "literary work" as used in this Act, but it
seems to be plain that it is not confined to "literary work" in
the sense in which that phrase is applied, for instance, to
Meredith's novels and the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson.
In speaking of such writings as literary works, one thinks of the
quality, the style, and the literary finish which they exhibit.
Under the Act of 1842, which protected "books," many things
which had no pretensions to literary style acquired copyright;
for example, a list of registered bills of sale, a list of foxhounds
and hunting days, and trade catalogues; and I see no ground for
coming to the conclusion that the present Act was intended to
curtail the rights of authors. In my view the words "literary
work" cover work which is expressed in print or writing,
irrespective of the question whether the quality or style is high.
The word "literary" seems to be used in a sense somewhat
similar to the use of the word "literature" in political or
electioneering literature and refers to written or printed matter.
Papers set by examiners are, in my opinion, "literary work"
within the meaning of the present Act. (Per Peterson J., at page
608.) That statement found approval in the House of Lords in
Ladbroke (Football) Ltd. v. William Hill (Football) Ltd.,
[1964] 1 W.L.R. 273.
It seems to me to follow from the foregoing that
when a literary work is produced or reproduced
the result must necessarily be a literary work, i.e.,
expressed in print or writing.
The difficulty which this raises in the present
case is obvious. The respondents' copyright is in
the assembly code version of the programs. Clearly
that version is expressed in print or writing. When
the program is reproduced in either binary or
hexadecimal notation, the result being in figures
and letters is also in print or writing and hence a
literary work. When, however, the binary code
version is transposed into open-and-closed electri
cal circuits embodied in a silicon chip, the latter
contains no print or writing and hence cannot be
said to be a literary work.
Does this mean that the production of the chip
embodying programs does not constitute an
infringement of the copyright? I think not. We
have already seen that the statute defines copy
right as being, amongst other things, the sole right
to produce or reproduce in any material form. It is,
in my opinion, possible to read those words as
including by necessary implication the sole right to
produce the means of reproduction of the work or,
to put the matter another way, the sole right to
produce anything used or intended to be used to
reproduce the work. When the opening words of
subsection 3(1) are read in the context of the
remainder of that subsection and of other sections
of the Copyright Act, it is my view that such
interpretation is not only possible but is required.
I find section 21 of the Act particularly instruc
tive in this regard:
21. All infringing copies of any work in which copyright
subsists, or of any substantial part thereof, and all plates used
or intended to be used for the production of such infringing
copies, shall be deemed to be the property of the owner of the
copyright, who accordingly may take proceedings for the recov
ery of the possession thereof or in respect of the conversion
The owner of the copyright is thus deemed to be
the owner not only of all infringing copies but also
of all plates used or intended to be used for their
production. As such owner he is given the right to
take proceedings to recover their possession or to
claim for their conversion. Surely the only
theoretical justification for this provision must be
that the making of the plates, like the making of
the infringing copies themselves, constitutes the
doing of something which is the sole right of the
owner of the copyright.
The definition of "plate" in section 2 is also
"plate" includes any stereotype or other plate, stone, block,
mould, matrix, transfer, or negative used or intended to be
used for printing or reproducing copies of any work, and any
matrix or other appliance by which records, perforated rolls,
or other contrivances for the acoustic representation of the
work, are or are intended to be made.
The Trial Judge found as a fact that the appel
lants' chip could be used to produce the hexadeci
mal version of the respondents' programs on the
monitor or in the printer of a computer. Whether
or not the chip falls within the very extended
definition of "plate", that definition itself serves to
strengthen the argument that the sole right to
produce or reproduce a work includes the sole
right to produce the means of reproduction.
Reference may also be made to section 10 of the
10. The term for which copyright shall subsist in records,
perforated rolls and other contrivances by means of which
sounds may be mechanically reproduced shall be fifty years
from the making of the original plate from which the contriv
ance was directly or indirectly derived, and the person who was
the owner of such original plate at the time when such plate
was made shall be deemed to be the author of such contrivance,
and where such owner is a body corporate, the body corporate
shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to reside within
Her Majesty's Realms and Territories if it has established a
place of business therein.
Thus, the term of copyright in a contrivance
dates from the making of the "original plate" and
the owner of such plate is deemed the author of
the contrivance in which copyright subsists. Here
again the only theoretical justification for this
provision is that the making of the original plate
(which, it may be noted, is distinguished from the
contrivance itself) is something which is the sole
right of the owner of the copyright, if any, in the
work which may be mechanically performed or
delivered by the contrivance. This was made clear
in Compo Company Ltd. v. Blue Crest Music Inc.
et al., supra, where the appellant Compo had
produced records using a matrix which had been
supplied to it by Canusa which the latter had, in
turn, had made without the authorization of the
owner of the musical work. Estey J. said, at page
Thus Canusa, by making or causing a third party to make
the matrix from which the stamper and thereafter the records
were made, might, if authorised by the owner of the recorded
musical work, be the owner of the copyright in the record.
However, the recording of the work was not authorised.
Compo, of course, as the agency which, using the master
acetate (which I take to be in these circumstances the plate or
matrix described in ss. 10 and 2 of the Act) actually stamped
out the records, would in law have obtained no copyright in the
record whether or not the owner of the copyright in the musical
work had granted a licence to record that work. The ownership
of the copyright in the record would, had the recording been
authorised, reside in the owner of the matrix at the time of its
making, here Canusa. [Emphasis added.]
I also find some help in the text of paragraph
17(2)(b) of the Act:
(2) The following acts do not constitute an infringement of
(b) where the author of an artistic work is not the owner of
the copyright therein, the use by the author of any mould,
cast, sketch, plan, model, or study made by him for the
purpose of the work, if he does not thereby repeat or imitate
the main design of that work.
Here again, as with so many other provisions of
the Act, we appear to be dealing with an ad hoc
text designed to meet some particular perceived
problem. Nonetheless the provision is only expli
cable if one is of the view that absent the saving
words the means for the reproduction of a work
belongs solely to the owner of the copyright in the
work and may be used only by him.
Finally I refer in this connection to the closing
words of subsection 3(1) following the enumera
tion in paragraphs (a) to (f). These words make it
plain that only the owner of the copyright may
authorize any of the acts listed in the subsection.
Anyone who makes and sells to the public any
thing designed or intended to reproduce a copy
righted work gives an implied authorization to the
purchaser to effect such reproduction. Here, as
found by the Trial Judge, the ROM chips in the
appellants' computer were capable of being used to
reproduce the respondents' programs in their hex
adecimal code version; in those circumstances,
even if, contrary to what I have suggested, the
means of reproduction does not itself constitute a
reproduction within the meaning of subsection
3(1), the implied authorization to reproduce is an
infringement of the copyright.
I would dispose of the appeal as proposed by
Mr. Justice Mahoney.
* * *
The following are the reasons for judgment
rendered in English by
MACGUIGAN J.: These cases, which were
argued together, are concerned with copyright in
computer programs as embodied in silicon chips.
It is admitted that the respondents hold a regis
tered copyright in two programs, Autostart ROM
(reg. no. 319465) and Applesoft (reg. no. 319468),
both registered, on October 8, 1982 and that these
programs, as registered, are copyrightable literary
works. It is also admitted that the appellant copied
the two programs. It is, however, argued that such
programs encoded within silicon chips cannot be
the subject matter of copyright. The issue, then, is
as to the existence of copyright in computer pro
grams in that state.
A computer is a complex system of interconnected,
integrated electrical circuits. It consists of a circuit
board onto which have been pinned or soldered a
number of electronic components, which communi
cate by means of traces (called "buses" or
"wires") etched into the board. The main electron
ic components of the system are the input/output
devices, the microprocessor or central processing
unit (CPU) and the memory.
The memory is now usually provided by memory
chips, approximately one quarter inch square
pieces of silicon. The ROM ("read only memory")
type of memory, which is in question in the cases
at bar, is permanently structured, through having
been permanently etched with electric circuits, to
carry a particular program, which can subsequent
ly be read (by way of contrast with RAM or
random access memory, which is erased when the
power is turned off). ROM circuits consist of
interconnected transistors built in and of the sili
con. Their pattern cannot be discerned by the
human eye except with the aid of an electron
microscope. Since electricity can have only two
states, "on" and "off'', the transistors are operated
as switches in these two states. (All computer
circuits in fact carry out arithmetic and logical
functions based only on binary arithmetic and
Boolean algebra.)
Since the circuitry of computers is thus limited,
the only form of program a computer can utilize is
one written in binary notation (using the two digits
"1" and "0"), or some derivation of that such as
hexadecimal notation (using the digits "0-9" and
In these cases the programs in question were
written in assembly language to be encoded on
chips to be mounted in the respondents' Apple II+
computer as the operating instructions for that
computer. It was these assembly codes which were
registered for copyright on October 8, 1982, by
reference to their titles.
Assembly codes may be said to be an intermedi
ate level of language. A higher-level language
would have corresponded to ordinary mathematics
or ordinary English. In order to be encoded in a
chip, however, the assembly language had to be
transposed into a still lower level of language,
machine language or object code (here hexadeci
mal notation).
The programs as registered for copyright were
machine specific, that is, they were in 6502
assembly language for use with a 6502 CPU,
which also consists of a silicon chip. (Each of the
dozen or more kinds of CPU's commercially avail
able contain different circuitry and so the codes to
which each type responds are different.) Autostart
ROM and Applesoft are both operating system
programs, the former consisting of initiating
procedures, the latter of procedures allowing for
user-communication with the computer in a high-
level or easily read language.
* * *
The Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. 30 ("the Act")
provides in subsection 4(1) that "Subject to this
Act, copyright shall subsist in Canada ... in every
original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic
work ..." The part of the Act principally in ques
tion is subsection 3(1), which reads as follows:
3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, "copyright" means the
sole right to produce or reproduce the work or any substantial
part thereof in any material form whatever, to perform, or in
the case of a lecture to deliver, the work or any substantial part
thereof in public; if the work is unpublished, to publish the
work or any substantial part thereof; and includes the sole right
(a) to produce, reproduce, perform or publish any transla
tion of the work;
(d) in the ease of a literary, dramatic, or musical work, to
make any record, perforated roll, cinematograph film, or
other contrivance by means of which the work may be
mechanically performed or delivered;
In an admirably reasoned decision reported at
[1987] 1 F.C. 173; 10 C.P.R. (3d) 1, Madam
Justice Reed held at trial that the respondents'
computer programs as encoded were covered by
copyright. She set out the issue as follows, at pages
180 F.C.; 19 and 20 C.P.R.:
The issue is whether a computer program which originates as
a written text, in the normal and usual sense of those terms, but
which has a dimension which it is not traditional to associate
with such texts, continues to be covered by copyright when it is
converted into its electrical code version, or more precisely in
this case when it is embodied in a device designed to replicate
that code.
The defendants' argument that copyright protection does not
so extend, has several facets: (1) the hexadecimal code version
of the program is not a translation of the source code version;
(2) since there is a one to one relationship between the source
code program and its embodiment in the chip there is a merger
of the idea and the expression of the idea which copyright law
does not cover; (3) the text of the Copyright Act [R.S.C. 1970,
c. C-30] does not cover computer programs in their chip form;
(4) there are compelling policy arguments for refusing to
extend copyright protection in the present case such as poten
tial restrictions on commerce and a possible overlap with patent
She then proceeded to deal with each of the
defendants' (appellants') arguments in turn. On
the argument as to translation she held, at pages
181-182 F.C.; 20 and 21 C.P.R.:
I do not find this argument convincing. In the first place I
note that "translation" in The Concise Oxford Dictionary (6th
ed., 1976) is defined as:
Express the sense of (word, sentence, speech, book, poem,
...) in or into another language; in or to another form of
representation .... [Underlining added.]
The conversion from one code to another clearly falls within
that definition.
An analogy can be drawn to the conversion of a text into
morse code. If a person were to sit down and convert a text into
the series of dots and dashes of which morse code is comprised,
one might argue that the resultant notations were really
instructions to the telegraph operator on how to send the
message. But the message written in morse code, in my view,
still retains the character of the original work. It is not a
different literary work. Similarly, a text written in shorthand
might be said to constitute a description of the oral sounds of
the text if it were spoken aloud (shorthand being phonetically
based), but that would not make it a different literary work
from the long hand version.
In my view the conversion of a work into a code, or the
conversion of a work originally written in one code into another
code constitutes a translation for the purposes of the Act. In
addition, as noted above, a programmer, in creating a program,
is not thinking in terms of the specifications of the ROM chip,
either in writing the assembly code version or when the hex
adecimal notation is prepared. What media [sic] is finally
chosen for embodiment of the program is irrelevant to the
programmer. Accordingly, I find it difficult to accept counsel
for the defendants' argument that the hexadecimal form of the
program is a different literary work and not a translation of the
With respect to the argument that copyright
does not extend to computer programs because
copyright protects the expression of an idea rather
than the idea itself and that a computer program
embodied in a ROM chip exhibits a merger of the
two, she held at pages 185-190 F.C.; 23-27 C.P.R.:
The program as originally written is copyrightable subject-
matter. There has in fact been copying—the code read from the
defendants' chips is the same as that which can be read from
the plaintiffs' chips .... The computer program when written
is clearly a literary work. What is more, its embodiment in a
silicon chip retains the form of expression of the original work.
The program in its source code version can be retrieved (read)
by a process of translation or translations from the ROM chip.
Counsel argues that in copying the ROM the defendants are
doing no more than following the recipe prescribed by the
program, ie: making Mrs. Beeton's apple pie. I think a closer
analogy is that what they are doing is copying the recipe book.
What then of counsel's argument that a computer program
exhibits a merger of the idea and the expression of the idea and
therefore is not copyrightable. I have considerable difficulty
with this argument from a number of points of view. In the first
place, if this argument is valid then it is difficult to understand
why the concession was made that the assembly code version of
the program is copyrightable. Surely if there is a merger of idea
and expression, it exists not only in the machine code version of
the program but also in the written assembly code version as
well. Secondly, the exact scope of the legal rule (if one exists)
that when there is a merger of the idea with its expression,
copyright protection does not operate, is not at all clear. And,
thirdly, the evidence that there is a multitude of forms of
expression in which any given program can be written seems to
me to demonstrate that there is no merger of the idea and the
expression of the idea with respect to the programs in issue.
Examples given in argument of the application of the merger
principle are formulations such as E = mc 2 , the pythagorean
theorem, or various algebraic proofs. It may be that these
examples demonstrate nothing more than that the particular
idea being expressed is really information about the external
world (recognizing that E = mc 2 is in fact a hypothesis) and
that factual information is something which copyright does not
protect. I see an analogy, for example, between a statement
such as "the Prime Minister of Canada met with the President
of the United States on March 17" and "the square on the
hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the
squares on the other two sides". Neither of these phrases as
such, apart from a larger text in which they might appear,
would be subject of copyright. The example of algebraic proofs
leads, it seems to me, to an almost philosophical discussion of
the nature of intellectual thought. It is a discussion which a
higher Court than this may find it necessary to consider but
which I consider it sufficient to deal with by noting that a
computer program is not similar to any of the examples cited.
It is not a statement reporting a fact. It is not comparable to an
algebraic proof. It is a creation in the same way that an
instruction book is a creation. While copyright would not
prevent someone making Mrs. Beeton's rabbit pie (indeed it
was to encourage people to do so that Mrs. Beeton's Book of
Household Management was first published), it does prevent
someone copying the book itself. The order in which the recipes
are listed, the form and expression in which they are couched
are properly the subject of copyright. This order, form, pattern
of expression of the plaintiffs' program is retained in the ROM
and is copied when the defendants copy the ROM.
There is another branch of the merger doctrine which has
prevailed in the United States and which it is necessary to
consider. It would appear to have originated with the decision
in Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99 (1879), a case referred to in
several "commonwealth" decisions, but without reliance on the
full scope of the decision given therein. Baker v. Selden dealt
with copyright claimed in a book which described a new system
of accounting and particularly accounting forms (consisting of
certain ruled lines and headings) contained in the book. The
Court found that the defendant's use of the book and develop
ment of his own forms did not breach the plaintiff's copy-
right—i.e.: there was no substantial copying. But the Court
went further and drew a distinction between works of science or
instruction and other types of works. It held that where a useful
art could only be employed by using the forms or diagrams by
which it was explained there would be no copyright in such
forms and diagrams.
The Court thus proceeded to lay down a much broader rule
than was necessary for the purpose of the case; it held that the
forms in the book were not protected by copyright.
This development of copyright law is not one that has been
adopted in this country, as far as I know. Indeed rejection
thereof would seem to be implicit in the Court of Appeal's
decision in Bulman Group (The) Ltd. v. Alpha One-Write
Systems B.C. Ltd. et al. (1981), 54 C.P.R. (2d) 179, and in the
subsequent decision of the Trial Division Bulman Group Ltd.
(The) v. "One Write" Accounting Systems Ltd., [1982] 2 F.C.
327; 62 C.P.R. (2d) 149. At issue in those cases was the
copyrightability of accounting forms. Initially the claim for
copyright in such forms was rejected by the Trial Division on
an application for an interlocutory injunction. The Court of
Appeal overturned that decision indicating that there was a
seriously arguable case. Following full trial of the issue copy
right was held to exist (this decision was not appealed to the
Court of Appeal).
In any event, I have not been persuaded that there is a
merger of the idea and the expression thereof in a computer
program. The fact that a program can be written in a variety of
different forms, that the same programmer would not write a
program the same way if he or she were to start anew a second
time, that the programmer is indifferent to the medium in
which the program is embodied, all indicate that computer
programs do not fall within the merger exception to copyright-
able subject matter (if such exception exists).
On the statutory argument she held, at pages
194-198 F.C.; 30-34 C.P.R.:
In my view the opening words of section 3 clearly cover the
plaintiffs' program as embodied in a ROM chip. Such embodi
ment is surely the production or reproduction of the work in a
material form, just as a record or a cassette tape is a production
or reproduction of a work in a material form. (I have not
overlooked the fact that there is a separate section in the Act
which covers copyright in records.)
In my view the requirement of "readability" or "appearance
to the eye" found in the jurisprudence requires no more than
that there be a method by which the work in which copyright is
claimed and the work which is alleged to infringe can be
visually compared for the purpose of determining whether
copying has occurred. Since in this case the programs can be
"read" out of ROM and so compared, this requirement is met.
I adopt in this regard the reasoning of Mr. Justice Megarry in
Thrustcode Ltd. v. W.W. Computing Ltd., [1983] F.S.R. 502
(Ch.D.), at page 505:
For computers, as for other things, what must be compared
are the thing said to have been copied and the thing said to
be an infringing copy. If these two things are invisible, then
normally they must be reproduced in visible form, or in a
form that in some way is perceptible, before it can be
determined whether one infringes the other.
Normally ... what will be needed is a print-out or other
documentary evidence of the program alleged to have been
copied, and of the alleged infringing program, or sufficient
parts of each.
As I understand counsel's argument it is that even if the
reproduction itself does not have to be in human readable form
there is a requirement that the purpose for which that repro
duction is made must ultimately be to communicate the work to
human beings. A record or cassette when used with a machine
produces sounds for human listening while the ROM chip does
not so communicate to humans as its primary function. As
noted above, it can be used to so communicate and for certain
limited purposes is so used, but that is not its primary purpose.
In my view counsel's arguments based on the context of the
Act and on the specific wording of the sections thereof are
conclusively answered by section 3 itself. Section 3 provides
that "`copyright' means the sole right to produce or reproduce
the work ... in any material form whatever". In my view that
clearly covers the program as embodied in the ROM chip. To
find otherwise, it seems to me, would require reading words
into section 3 of the Copyright Act which are not there.
The argument based on paragraph 3(1)(d) I find unconvinc
ing. It has a two-edged quality. It can equally be asked why, if
Parliament only intended to cover records or contrivances
which utter sounds or communicate to humans, the opening
words of section 3 were drafted so broadly. The references to
the definition sections are not persuasive. They only purport to
define one particular aspect of delivery as it relates to lectures;
no all inclusive definition is given of that word. The definition
of performance is irrelevant since no one has suggested that it
applies in the present case. Also, I have difficulty with the
distinction counsel makes between programs which result in
something being displayed on the screen and those (such as
ROM) which do not. When "something" is displayed on the
screen it is not the program (i.e.: it is not the original or a
hexadecimal version thereof which is displayed). The program
remains invisible unless disassembled by the translation pro
cesses similar to that used to "read" the ROM.
On the fourth argument, she found no compel
ling policy reasons for refusing to extend copyright
protection in this case, at pages 200 and 201 F.C.;
35 and 36 C.P.R.:
With respect to the first argument, the purpose of the
Copyright Act is and always has been to grant a monopoly. No
distinction is made therein as to the purpose of the work
created—for entertainment, instruction or other purposes. The
legislation historically, in my view had two purposes: to encour
age disclosure of works for the "advancement of learning", and
to protect and reward the intellectual effort of the author (for a
limited period of time) in the work. A book is an article of
commerce, as is a map or a chart. The interpretation of the
legislation which the defendants urge, based on a view that the
Act was not intended to interfere with commerce, is both not
accurate and would add a gloss to the statute which its wording
does not bear.
With respect to the second argument, as I read the authori
ties and references to which I have been referred by counsel
they indicate that computer programs are not per se patentable
but that an apparatus or process that meets the standards of
novelty and unobviousness required by the Patent Act, R.S.C.
1970, c. P-4, will not be disqualified from patent protection
merely because a computer is used to operate the apparatus or
implement the process. In addition, I do not see that overlap
ping areas of the law are particularly unusual (reference need
only be made to the fields of tort and contract). Nor do I see it
as the role of the courts to frame decisions to avoid such results.
In addition, I would note that the present case does not deal
with a special purpose program. It concerns the operation of a
general purpose computer, although I must admit that I do not,
at the moment, see any rationale for distinguishing between the
two. I note that Mr. Justice Megarry in the Thrustcode case,
supra, page 194, did not think it necessary to draw such a
Finally, she adverted to the trend both abroad
and in Canada to extend copyright protection in
such cases, at pages 203 F.C.; 38 C.P.R.:
There are a growing number of cases in jurisdictions where
the copyright law is not too dissimilar from our own which have
held that computer programs in their machine code version are
protected by the copyright law applicable existing in that
jurisdiction. (Sega Enterprises Limited v. Richards and
Another, [1983] F.S.R. 73 (Ch.D.); Thrustcode Ltd. v. W.W.
Computing Ltd., supra, pp. 194 F.C.; 41 C.P.R.; Northern
Office Microcomputers (Pty) Ltd. v. Rosenstein, [1982] F.S.R.
124 (S.C. S. Afr.); Apple Computer Inc v Computer Edge Pty
Ltd, [(1984), 53 A.L.R. 225 (F.C.)].) Not only is there such a
trend abroad, but a similar phenomenon can also be discerned
in this country. Apple Computer Inc. v. Computermat Inc.
(1983), 1 C.I.P.R. 1 (Ont. H.C); Apple Computer, Inc. v.
Minitronics of Canada Ltd. et al. (1985), 7 C.P.R. (3d) 104
(F.C.T.D.), affirmed (1985), 8 C.P.R. (3d) 431 (F.C.A.);
Société (La) d'Informatique R.D.G. Inc. v. Dynabec Ltée et al.
(1984), 6 C.P.R. (3d) 299 (Que. S.C.); F & I Retail Systems
Ltd. v. Thermo Guard Automotive Products Canada Ltd. et al.
(unreported decision of the Supreme Court of Ontario of June
26, 1984); Logo Computer Systems Inc. c. 115778 Canada Inc.
et al. (unreported decision of the Quebec Superior Court of
October 25, 1983); Nintendo of America, Inc. v. Coinex Video
Games Inc., [1983] 2 F.C. 189 (C.A.), which deals with the
issue in a peripheral way; Spacefile Ltd. v. Smart Computing
Systems Ltd. et al. (1983), 75 C.P.R. (2d) 281 (Ont. H.C.).)
The learned Trial Judge was quite right in her
analysis of the trend in the case law up to that
time, and had it not been for the decision of the
High Court of Australia in Computer Edge Pty
Ltd y Apple Computer Inc (1986), 65 ALR 33,
released the week after her decision, it might not
have been necessary for this Court to add to her
reasons for judgment at all. However, in the Com
puter Edge case, the Australian Court held by a
3-2 margin that there was no infringement of
copyright in an identical case. The appellants in
argument before this Court relied heavily on the
three majority judgments in that case, particularly
that of Deane J.
* * *
All four of the Australian High Court judges who
decided the question held that the source or
assembly programs were copyrightable. In the
cases at bar that point is admitted by the
Both Gibbs C.J. and Brennan J. in the majority
held that under the Australian Copyright Act,
1968 (Cth), No. 63 the object programs embodied
in the ROMs as well as the source programs were
required to be literary works, and that they were
not because they were not "written". Deane J.
agreed with respect to the object programs. Mason
and Wilson JJ. in dissent agreed that the object
programs had to be themselves literary works but
disagreed that they had to be in writing.
This Court must certainly accept the interpreta
tion of the 1968 Australian legislation, which fol
lows the English Act of 1956 [Copyright Act,
1956, 4 & 5 Eliz. II, c. 74 (U.K.)], by the highest
Court in that country as final, but that is not to
say that the Canadian Act, which follows rather
the English legislation of 1911, should be inter
preted in the same way. The Australian Act differs
from ours in establishing a fragmented series of
copyright rights rather than a simple comprehen
sive statement.
However, to my mind the principal distinguish
ing feature of the cases at bar from the Computer
Edge decision is expressed in the following com
ment by Mason and Wilson JJ., at page 45:
Whether it is the series of electrical impulses stored in the
ROMs or the written description in binary or hexadecimal
notation that is truly the object program, is not entirely clear.
However, the case has been conducted on the footing that it is
the former rather than the latter .... We propose to deal with
the case on this footing as no issue is raised with respect to it in
this court. [Emphasis added.]
It is true that Gibbs C.J. applies his conclusion
that the object programs were not literary works
both to the dynamic sequence of electrical
impulses and to the static pattern of circuits. But
Brennan J. seems to approach the matter only in
terms of a computer in operation. He says, for
example, at pages 54 and 55:
The electrical charges which constitute the object programs
cannot be seen or touched or heard or, if they can, they do not
communicate the letters of the original literary work, the
source programs. Nor, for that matter, do the electrical charges
communicate the letters or figures by which an object program
may be represented. 6502 Assembly Language is not a lan
guage; it is a code. Even if the code were thought to be
susceptible of "translation" into another language, it was not so
translated; the electrical charges which constitute the object
programs are clearly not a language. To describe such electrical
charges—no doubt helpfully enough for the purposes of com
puter science—as "machine readable language" is to make
metaphor serve as reality. The machine has no comprehension
of thought which it is the essential purpose of language to
convey, and the fact that a microprocessor is activated by a
sequence of electrical charges in a predicatable way does not
mean that it has understood and executed some command.
Deane J. was even more radical. He said, at
page 60:
The programming of a ROM is done electrically. Its effect is
essentially functional rather than visual and the program state
of a ROM is ascertained not by visual observation but by
actual electrical operation.
And again, at page 63:
The re-arrangement of electrons in a programmed ROM is not
visible to the human eye. The programmed ROM may be used
as a switching device in a functioning computer to produce a
print out or visual display of something which could, for
relevant purposes, properly be called a "literary work". Of
itself however, and regardless of how widely one construes the
phrase, the arrangement (or series) of electrons or electrical
charges in the silicon chip does not constitute a "literary work".
It is not written. It is not in a comprehensible language. It
cannot be read. It cannot even be seen. Nor is it designed or
produced to be read or seen. It is, and was designed and
produced to be, an attribute of a functioning part of an
operating machine.
The closest that Brennan and Deane B. came to
considering the static pattern of circuits in the
chips as a language was in relation to the visual
display or printout which they arè capable of
producing. Deane J. described as "an inversion of
logic" (at page 63) the contention that such a
product could be a translation or reproduction
protected by copyright.
Deane J.'s approach appears to me to be the
more radical because he refuses to view pro
grammed chips as anything more than "an attrib
ute of a functioning part of an operating
machine." For him "the program state of a ROM
is ascertained ... by actual electrical operation."
There is therefore no static point of view possible,
only the dynamic viewpoint of an operating
The appellants accepted this approach and
added to it a further refinement. It is common
ground that computer programs can be catego
rized by function as either application programs or
operating system programs. Application programs
perform a specific task for the user, such as word
processing, checkbook balancing, or playing a
game, whereas operating system programs manage
the internal functions of the computer or facilitate
use of application programs. It is also common
ground that the two computer programs in ques
tion in the cases at bar are operating system
The appellants' ultimate contention was that,
regardless of the law with respect to application
programs, operating systems programs are not a
proper subject of copyright since they are entirely
a process or method of operation.
* * *
In my view it is not necessary for this Court to
decide whether, seen in a dynamic or process
approach, the ROM chips are, the subject of copy
right. All that is necessary in the cases 'at bar is to
note that such an approach is inconsistent with the
findings of the Trial Judge, which were not suc
cessfully challenged.
The evidence of the respondents' witnesses,
which was accepted by the Trial Judge, was that
the programs in question are permanently encoded
on chips that are permanent storage devices within
the Apple II+. Dean J. W. Graham put it this way
in his affidavit, Appeal Book, Common Appendix
I, pages 171 and 172:
(a) I am personally familiar with the Apple II+ computer
having used it and studied it for years. The programs
APPLESOFT and AUTOSTART ROM are contained in six
ROM chips which fit into sockets in the "mother board"
(printed circuit board) of the Apple II+ computer. ROM chips
are permanent storage devices designed to plug into printed
circuit boards within computers. The devices are generic in the
sense that they are manufactured in a "raw state". The raw
state includes circuitry within the chip known as decoders
designed to locate areas of memory storage therein and deliver
the contents thereof to the micro-processor. The ROM manu
facturer encodes the customer's computer programs into the
storage area of the ROMs. It is not necessary for the purposes
of this affidavit to deal with the technologies involved in ROM
manufacturing. All that is important to state at this juncture is
that ROMs by their very name (read only memories) are
specialized chips designed to act as storage media for programs
or data. They are permanent in the sense that any programs
and data encoded therein reside therein whether or not power is
turned on or off. The programs and data contained therein are
readable by computers and the contents thereof can be dis
played or printed in various languages by computer. They are
also readable under microscope. There are numerous other
permanent storage devices in which computer programs are
often contained, some of which are designed to reside in the
computer itself (plug into the printed circuit board) and others
of which are designed to be held in external media which can be
read into the computer. In the Apple II+ computer, these
programs, however, are contained in six ROM chips which plug
into the mother board.
The Trial Judge adverted to the fact that the
appellants' expert evidence focussed on the opera
tion of a computer from a hardware point of view,
a perspective which she rejected, pages 14-17
Consonant with this emphasis on the computer as an electri
cal machine, counsel for the defendants invited me to charac
terize a program as merely specifications for a machine part. I
do not accept that characterization. It is clear that when a
programmer writes a program, he is thinking of instructions to
the computer in terms of moving information between certain
registers and of performing certain operations thereon. In this
sense it is not remiss to think of a program as being an
instruction manual, but addressed to the CPU of a computer,
rather than to another human being. A programmer writing a
program, such as those in issue in this case, is not thinking
about voltage levels, or logic gates, or conditioning the circuitry
of the CPU, or of providing specifications to the manufacturer
of the ROM chip for the construction of that chip. Indeed the
medium in which the program eventually finds itself (punch
cards, magnetic tape or silicon chip) is not of concern to him.
He is thinking of the computer as having a certain number of
registers and of being able to perform a certain number of
limited operations and of moving information between those
Not only is the program when written a sort of instruction
manual, the program retains its character as such in the
computer. It can be "read out" of the ROM as and when
required. A "disassembler" program is often used for this
purpose. Thus the hexadecimal code version of the programs
Autostart ROM and Applesoft can easily be displayed on the
screen of the monitor or produced in a print-out version by
"reading" such directly from the respective chips. In addition
this hexadecimal form of the program can be converted subse
quently to its original source code assembly language version
without great difficulty. Indeed it is this ability to read out of
ROM the programs written therein which allows a comparison
to be made between the programs encoded in the Microcom,
Mackintosh and Apple II+ ROMs in this case—for the pur
pose of determining whether there has been copying. (The chips
in the Microcom and Mackintosh are technically not ROMs
but EPROMs but this is irrelevant for present purposes.)
While the programs can be "read out" of ROM, and they are
occasionally so read by human beings for diagnostic purposes
when the computer is malfunctioning, this is not their primary
purpose. As is evident from the above, computer programs are
designed primarily to be "communications" to computers.
What is more they are used to cause the computer (the CPU)
to perform certain operations (to perform calculations; create
and retrieve information from data banks; facilitate word proc
essing). No other form of written text operates in quite this way
and indeed it stretches ordinary conceptual notions of the
nature of a written text to conceive of it operating in this
In her conclusions, which I set forth earlier, the
Trial Judge adopted the view that the permanent
etching of the programs in the computer chips was
a genuine translation of the programs.
The appellants did not succeed before us in
casting doubt on the software perspective adopted
by the Trial Judge. Indeed, the point of view that
the programmed chips are only attributes of a
functioning part of an operating machine seems to
fly in the face of common sense. The original
programs registered were works at rest, as it were,
not in operation. When a comparison is to be made
for purposes of establishing whether the memory
chips are either reproductions or translations of
the original works, it is only reasonable that they,
also, should be taken in their static state. More
over, the activity which occurs in an operating
computer originates from the CPU, not from the
memory chips, and by looking into the latter one
cannot see the operation of the CPU. One can,
however, under examination by an elecron micro
scope, discover the pattern of the electric circuits,
and so read the code, which turns out to be an
exact replica of the assembly code, though in a
different material form.
I am strengthened in my approach by the fact
that the programs of the appellants which give rise
to the allegations of infringement of copyright are
themselves produced and sold in a static state and
should therefore be compared on the same basis.
There remains the variation on the process per
spective urged by the appellants with respect to
operating systems programs. This approach was
fully considered by the Third Circuit of the U.S.
Court of Appeals in Apple Computer, Inc. v.
Franklin Computer Corp., 714 F.2d 1240 (1983),
a recent decision apparently not brought to the
attention of the Trial Judge. Some of the Court's
views are specifically related to U.S. law, but I
believe that the following statement by Circuit
Judge Sloviter for the Court expresses generally
valid reaction to the argument (at page 1251):
Since it is only the instructions which are protected, a "proc-
ess" is no more involved because the instructions in an operat
ing system program may be used to activate the operation of
the computer than it would be if instructions were written in
ordinary English in a manual which described the necessary
steps to activate an intricate complicated machine. There is,
therefore, no reason to afford any less copyright protection to
the instructions in an operating system program than to the
instructions in an application program.
Franklin's argument, receptively treated by the district court,
that an operating system program is part of a machine mistak
enly focuses on the physical characteristics of the instructions.
But the medium is not the message. We have already con
sidered and rejected aspects of this contention in the discussion
of object code and ROM. The mere fact that the operating
system program may be etched on a ROM does not make the
program either a machine, part of a machine or its equivalent.
Furthermore, as one of Franklin's witnesses testified, an operat
ing system does not have to be permanently in the machine in
ROM, but it may be on some other medium, such as a diskette
or magnetic tape, where it could be readily transferred into the
temporary memory space of the computer.
In the final analysis there is no reason for any kind
of programmed chip to be assessed for copyright
purposes in other than its material static state. In
that state all such chips are the subject of copy
right either as translations or as exact reproduc
tions of the assembly language.
The appellants argued that the memory chips
cannot be translations because in its proper sense a
translation is always an interpretation rather than
a one-for-one copy, and that, on the respondents'
theory of them, the ROMs were exact replicas. (In
fact, in the words of the respondents' counsel
before us, they were described as "brailled morse
code" versions of the originals.)
It is certainly true that, given the normal
ambiguity of language, translations are normally
no more than interpretations of the original texts.
In this sense, translating may be thought of as an
art rather than a science. But I am far from
convinced that an exact correspondence with the
original makes for less rather than more of a
translation. However, I do not believe it is neces
sary for this Court to make a final decision on this
point, since the ROM chips are either translations
or reproductions and in both cases meet the
requirements of subsection 3(1). In all other
respects the reasons for decisions of the Trial
Judge should be affirmed.
I do not find it necessary to decide, any more
than did the Trial Judge (at page 198), the
respondents' argument that the ROM chips fall
within paragraph 3(1)(d) of the Act as contriv
ances by means of which the works may be
In the result, I would dispose of the appeal as
proposed by my brother Mr. Justice Mahoney.
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.