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Lundqvist Rederierna A/B (Appellant) v.
Great Northern Paper Company and Société pro- fessionnelle des papiers de presse (Respondents)
Court of Appeal, Thurlow C.J., Pratte J. and Lalande D.J.—Montreal, June 22, 1982.
Maritime law — Appeal from order of Trial Division refus ing to set aside service of statement of claim and order giving leave to serve it ex juris in action in respect of contract of carriage — Sufficiency of evidence to establish necessary connection between appellant and ship or contract of carriage — Respondents relying on contents of affidavit together with fact that appellant included as party in litigation carried out in France in respect of claim brought by one of respondents against master of ship in question and others, to establish basis for believing appellant was a party bound by contract of carriage either as owner of ship or otherwise — Appeal allowed.
G. P. Barry for appellant. L. Fortier for respondents.
McMaster, Meighen, Montreal, for appellant.
Stikeman, Elliott, Tamaki, Mercier & Robb, Montreal, for respondents.
The following are the reasons for judgment delivered orally in English by
THURLOW C.J.: This is an appeal from an order of the Trial Division, [1981] 2 F.C. 270, which set aside, on consent, a default judgment and gave leave to the appellant to defend the respondents' action but refused to set aside service of the state ment of claim and the order giving leave to serve it ex juris.
It is, in my view, apparent that the affidavit on which leave to serve ex juris was obtained fell short of disclosing reasons for believing that the appellant was the owner of the vessel `Fleur" or was otherwise a party bound by the contract of carriage. Recognizing the shortcomings of that
affidavit counsel for the respondents sought sup port for the order in the material put before the Court by the appellant on the application to set aside the order and the service made pursuant thereto. Support was, it was argued, to be found in the judgments of the Tribunal de commerce de Rouen and the Cour d'appel de Rouen, both of which had dismissed proceedings in respect of the same subject matter brought by one of the respondents against the Master of the vessel and others, including the appellant.
In my view, these judgments do not show, nor does the fact that litigation was brought and car ried on in France against the appellant in respect of the claim show that the appellant was in fact a party bound by the contract of carriage either as owner or otherwise or that there is sufficient basis for believing that such is the case to justify an order requiring the appellant to defend the respondents' claim in this Court. I reach this con clusion apart from the evidence that the appellant was not the owner of the vessel at the material time, a fact which is at least consistent with the view I take if indeed it is not also supportive of it.
I would allow the appeal with costs and set aside the order of January 14, 1980 giving leave to serve the appellant ex juris and the service made pursu ant thereto as well as the purported service of the statement of claim made in Montreal on Decem- ber 11, 1979, with costs.
PRATTE J. concurred.
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The following are the reasons for judgment delivered orally in English by
LALANDE D.J. (dissenting): I think the Motions Judge' was right in dismissing the application to set aside service ex juris. I would dismiss the appeal with costs.
1 [1981] 2 F.C. 270 (T.D.).
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