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Norman Strax (Applicant) v.
Board of Referees under the Unemployment In surance Act, 1971 (Respondent)
Court of Appeal, Thurlow C.J., Pratte and Le Dain JJ.—Fredericton, November 3, 1980.
Judicial review — Unemployment insurance — Application to review and set aside decision of Board of Referees whereby applicant's benefit period could not be cancelled under subs. 20(5) of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971 and s. 40 of the Unemployment Insurance Regulations — Board's finding that benefit was payable was the sole reason for its decision No specific determination as to whether benefit had been paid — Error in law — Application allowed — Federal Court Act, R.S.C. 1970 (2nd Supp.), c. 10, s. 28 — Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971, S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 48, s. 20(5) Unemployment Insurance Regulations, C.R.C. 1978, Vol. XVIII, c. 1576, s. 40.
APPLICATION for judicial review. COUNSEL:
Gary A. Miller for applicant. Paul Plourde for respondent.
Fenton, Neill, Janssens & Miller, Frederic- ton, for applicant.
Deputy Attorney General of Canada for respondent.
The following are the reasons for judgment of the Court delivered orally in English by
THURLOW C.J.: This is an application under section 28 of the Federal Court Act, R.S.C. 1970 (2nd Supp.), c. 10, to review and set aside a decision of a Board of Referees under the Unem ployment Insurance Act, 1971, S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 48, as amended, which upheld the decision of an Unemployment Insurance Officer that because a week's benefit was payable to the applicant in the period between 24 September 1978 and 9 June 1979, his benefit period could not be cancelled under subsection 20(5) of the Act and section 40 of the Unemployment Insurance Regulations, C.R.C. 1978, Vol. XVIII, c. 1576.
Subsection 20(5) reads as follows:
(5) Where a benefit period is established for a claimant but benefit is not payable or has not been paid in respect of that benefit period, the benefit period may, subject to prescribed conditions, be cancelled by the Commission and deemed not to have begun.
Under this subsection, a benefit period may be cancelled if either:
(a) benefit is not payable; or
(b) benefit has not been paid.
In the reasons for its decision, the Board specifi cally found, contrary to the position taken by the applicant, that benefit was payable and, as we read the decision, for that sole reason held that the applicant's benefit period could not be cancelled. True, the Board also mentioned that a warrant for payment of benefit for the week commencing October 8, 1978, had been issued to the applicant, although not cashed, and added that there was no concrete evidence that the applicant did not receive the cheque. However, the Board did not specifically find that benefit had been paid to the applicant and does not appear to have addressed its mind to that question. We are accordingly of the opinion that the Board erred in law in not addressing and answering the question whether or not benefit was paid to the applicant and that the decision should not be allowed to stand.
In the course of argument, reference was made to the wording of section 40 of the Regulations and it was contended that the section was ultra vires in that it purports to change the effect of subsection 20(5) of the Act so as to deny cancella tion if either benefit was payable or benefit was paid. We are not persuaded that section 40 pur ports to alter what subsection 20(5) provides but if it does, in our view, the provisions of subsection 20(5) must prevail.
At the hearing, it was suggested for the first time that as the record does not show any formal request by the applicant for cancellation of his benefit period prior to October 15, 1979 and as the applicant had been in receipt of benefit payments from June to October 1979, he was not entitled to ask for cancellation of the benefit period which
had been established in September 1978. It is apparent, however, that both the Unemployment Insurance Officer and the Board considered the matter on the basis that what was in issue was whether the applicant was entitled to benefit or had been paid benefit for a week in the period from September 1978 to June 1979 and, on the material in the record, we think it is to be inferred that a sufficient request for cancellation of the benefit period had been made at or before the applicant was paid benefits in respect of the period following the renewal of his application on June 15, 1979.
Accordingly, the decision of the Board of Referees will be set aside and the matter will be referred back to a board of referees for reconsider ation and redetermination after rehearing and deciding the issue whether benefit was paid to the applicant for the week commencing October 8, 1978.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.